The Campus

Unique place of learning

At each Healers Beyond Boundaries location, a campus is created that becomes a unique place of learning and self-development. Here, healers from all over the world come together to improve their skills, further their education and gain experience that will be invaluable to them in their careers.


Qualification: A wealth of experience at the highest level


A wealth of experience at the highest level
The campus offers a wide range of development opportunities. It’s not all about theory, but plenty of hands-on experience. Participants have the opportunity to practice and improve their skills right on the spot, working with numerous strangers, practicing on each other, and learning from the experienced healers. The goal is for participants to feel confident in using their skills and to gain a wealth of experience that will allow them to perform at the highest level. The campus is a place of community, collaboration and learning where participants can improve their skills and take their careers to the next level.

Advanced training

Security in skills
The Healers Beyond Boundaries campus is a place where participants deepen their skills and abilities and take ownership of inquiry, dialogue and healing action. Participants are supervised and supported by experienced trainers and mentors to develop their full healing potential. Daily tasks include new subject enrollment, data collection, documentations, evaluations, subject status surveys, and follow-ups. Subjects may also be responsible for completing study logs, writing documentation reports, and writing technical papers. There are regular outreach meetings, evaluation meetings, evaluations, reflection, and analysis. These are used to gather and evaluate the experiences and insights of the participants in order to improve the quality of the work.
Advanced training: Security in skills
Certificate: High credibility


High credibility
Certification is important in today’s world and especially in the profession of spiritual healers, as it is an official confirmation of the acquired knowledge and skills. It gives those seeking healing confidence in the healer’s abilities and provides a higher level of credibility and professionalism. Certifications also serve as proof of meeting certain standards and quality requirements. In this way, the quality of the spiritual healer’s services can be assured. Overall, certification can help improve the reputation of the profession and gain the trust of the public. As a testament to their successful efforts and commitment, participants are awarded a certificate by Healers Beyond Boundaries. Participation in all healings, meetings and gatherings during the campus is a prerequisite for receiving this certificate.